Meet Our Two Newest Employees – Mandy & Kris!!

Mandy has loved animals since she was a toddler. One of her very first words was “dog”! She is the proud owner of a rescued Wheaten – Bella and a Cockapoo named Watson. Most recently, her family adopted an angel named Reagan through Good Dog. Reagan is almost one year old, and she is a beautiful German Shorthaired Pointer. Her husband and their friends suggested that Mandy work at Good Dog while going back to school. Mandy says: “It is the best thing that has ever happened to her!!” She says: “Nothing makes me happier than spending time with our dogs in daycare and hotel!”

Kris Zakula is our second new addition to Good Dog. She usually works at the Front Desk and occasionally works in Daycare and Hotel. She grew up in the small town of Shipshewana and recently moved to Indianapolis with her husband. Kris and her husband have a very sweet dog named Lali and also a cat named Evie. Kris came to Good Dog to get away from the stress of Retail Management and has loved it here ever since! She loves getting to know all the dogs and says she always comes home with a story of her new favorite dog that day!

Article Written By Veronique Brown

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