A Heartwarming Homecoming!
Meet Palin!
One day back in April, Palin managed to jump the fence in their backyard and escaped. She wanted to go hang out with all the other dogs she always heard barking on the other side of the fence. Adam and his fiance Erika went on a desperate man hunt quickly looking all over the neighborhood and recruiting friends to help in the search. A couple hours went by and still no Palin, that’s when they started making some phone calls to animal shelters and printing out as many posters as possible. Some of you may remember her picture that Good Dog had up on our front doors and the banner that was out on the Monon. Days went by and many visits were made to the shelters looking for that pretty Pit Bull with the under bite, but they had no luck. We all decided to just believe that some good family found her, and swooped up this well trained sweet puppy to take care of and love.
It wasn’t until a few months ago back in June that another Pit Bull puppy came to Good Dog in search of a new home. Her name was Lilly-Pad and she reminded Adam of his Palin. It took awhile before he made the decision to bring her home. She fit in so well with the family that Adam decided to keep her. They were again a three dog family!
It was this past Thursday that the unthinkable happened. Adam was home sitting on his couch and heard a familiar bark at the front door. When he got up and checked there was Palin!! He opened the door and she ran right in and started playing right away with her old pals. Adam was in disbelief and checked her under bite to see if it was possible that this could be his long lost dog. Palin was a bit chunkier but other than that, well taken care of and groomed. She still knew all her old tricks including how to jump right up her dad and into his arms. She responded to her name, knew her friends, and knew her way around the house. Since then, she has been getting along just as normal. She was almost as excited to get back to Good Dog and see everyone as we were to see her!
Now, they are a happy four dog family! Adam may not have wanted so many dogs, but there is no way to deny how everyone has their place in the household. If anyone could handle that many dogs, it would be our very talented dog trainer Mr. Moos! Welcome back Palin, we all missed you!