Meet Bojangles!!

Hi Everyone!!

My name is Bojangles and as you can see in my pictures, I’m a very handsome puppy yellow Labrador. I’m almost 3 months old and I have already stolen a bunch of hearts in my short life!!

Last week, I stayed at Good Dog Hotel & Spa for my very first luxurious hotel-stay. I loved it so much. All the staff members were so sweet! I didn’t spend a whole lot of time in my hotel-room because the ladies at the front desk just couldn’t get enough of my cuteness! They constantly took me out, played with me, took pictures and videos of me, and gave me treats!! I got lots of cuddles and even took a nap on one of the girls’ lap for a while! My first visit was so good that I will be staying here again this week!

I also wanted the world to know that I am a famous little fellow! I’m the doggie that is seen in the cute K-9 Advantix Commercial!! The one that sings: “Oh there ain’t no bugs on me, there ain’t no bugs on me, there may be bugs on some of you mugs, but there ain’t no bugs on me!” Yep that’s me!!

I’m also legendary because of the Kleenex -Toilet Paper commercial. I’m the cute little puppy that unrolls the toilet paper roll!! Yep!! I’m a celebrity (look-a-like)!! And a very cute one too!!

That’s all for now! I have more cuddling to do with the staff members at Good Dog and if I sit down for them and pose pretty; maybe they’ll give me another treat!!
See ya later!

Article Written by Veronique Brown

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