I am a little over 1 years old and I’m a black Miniature Schnauzer. The word at Good Dog is that I’m the cutest Schnauzer alive!
Here’s some interesting information about my breed: The term “Schnauzer” comes from the German word “Schnauze” which means “snout” or “moustache”. This is because of my breed’s distinctive bearded snout. In my case, that’s my cute face that you see in the pictures!
I’ve been visiting Good Dog since last March. My parents started bringing me in for grooming when I was just a little puppy. They thought it was very important that I keep my good looks starting young.
In the beginning of the summer, my parents also started bringing me to daycare and I ABSOLUTELY love it! You could say I’m a regular now! I mostly play in the small-dog area where my friends and I have a Girls-Only Club!! In our Club we have specific activities that we do daily. In the mornings, we like to have coffee and gossip about the boys. Then we go outside and use the “powder-room”. This is also where we make sure our voices are heard. We want to make sure that everyone knows that we rule daycare and that GIRLS ROCK!! After that event, we get back in our area in we discuss the current events in our lives and we also play like tomboys if we feel up to it! My best friend is Bailey, a Mini-Aussie. I also like to play with Gigi; a very pretty Maltese, Pinky; a Wire Fox Terrier puppy, and Sasha & Lucy are both Westies.
The Staff in daycare also wanted to add that I’m a very sweet girl. I like my Girls-Club a LOT but sometimes I take a break from my team-members and just hangout with the humans. I love being cuddled and pet and the people at Good Dog Hotel & Spa LOVE ME!!!
That’s all for now! Come and see me at the Good Dog Daycare!
Article written by Veronique Brown