Reagan Finds A Forever Home!!
Hi Everyone!!
“My name is Reagan and I’m a beautiful German Shorthaired Pointer pup. I’m almost 10 months old and was brought to Good Dog Hotel & Spa in January of 2011.”
“My previous owner is in the Military and was getting stationed out of state. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to take me to his new location, so Good Dog offered to foster me until I found a new forever home.”
“The employees at Good Dog fell in love with me instantly!! I’m such a pretty girl and have a super sweet attitude & playful disposition!! I played in daycare every day until this very sweet lady that works here wanted to take me home to see if I would get along with her dogs!!!”
“I did really well and LOVE my new siblings!!
Bella is my 3 year old sister, she’s a Wheaten Terrier and was initially skeptical of having another sibling. A couple of weeks later though, her and I became fast friends and now we play in the backyard non-stop!! My brother Watson is a Cockapoo and has been fascinated with me from the start, he treats me like I’m his big sister!”
“I love my new Mommy & Daddy!! As you can see in our family portrait, we are a happy bunch!! The greatest thing about my new home, is that my mom still brings me to daycare on a regular basis!! This means I still get to play with all of my friends at Good Dog! My mom wanted to add that I fit right into their family. Everyone loves me including my brothers, sisters, grandparents, and cousins!! They are very happy to have me!!”
Good Dog is very happy to report another “Successful Adoption”!!
Article written by Veronique Brown