Why I love Good Dog Hotel doggy daycare
Hi, my name is Rags Middleton. I’m a Boarder Terrier/Poodle mix.
I’m not a young pup, almost 6 actually, but I know I’m still an adorable little boy.
I was a rescue pup. Before I came to live in the wonderful home with the family I have now, I was in a pretty serious accident. I won’t go into the details of it. It was pretty dramatic. I was left with a couple of injuries, but that doesn’t stop my owner and the caregivers at Good Dog from loving me fully. They all appreciate that my tongue hangs out of my mouth. (It makes for an easy time lovin’ on everyone.) ☺
I also love to take advantage of a camera. I can pose with the best of them. My caregivers at Good Dog are always saying how photogenic I am. They have lots of great photos of me, and I love it.
I love coming to Good Dog Hotel & Spa. I met my best friends, Tess and Zappa here. We love to play and run around. We have so much fun that I have to take a rest every once and a while and catch up on some zzzzzz’s. Phew, I love a good nap.
Something else that is awesome is how high I can jump for being so small. I can actually jump the fence! But, just because I can, doesn’t mean I always do. As a matter of fact, I seldom do unless I really want to see one of my dog friends and play for a while in their area, or just see one of the Good Dog staff and give hugs. Yeah, I also been told I give great hugs.
I always get excited though when my Mom comes and picks me up. I mean, I love my friends in daycare, but I am definitely a people person. Plus, I miss her too, and it helps because Mom is ALWAYS there with a treat for me. And boy, do I love my treats.
I’m hanging out in the daycare a few times a week. Sometimes, I even get to stay in the hotel. It’s awesome to get a mini-vacation every once in a while. But what’s even better is I get to be loved and cared for by the most amazing dog people in all of Indianapolis. I love them, and they love me.
Thanks, Good Dog! You guys are amazing!
For all you folks out there that may want to have your dog(s) meet me, hit those great Good Dog people up with an email.
Thanks for featuring Rags on your website. He’s quite a sweet ‘lil “bullet proof boy” when he’s not up to mischief!
We know! We love Rags! : )