March: Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month- Part 2
In part one we discussed ‘human’ foods that your pup shouldn’t eat. In part two, we will go over common household items that should be kept out of reach of your pet!
Human and Animal medication: The Acetaminophen in Tylenol and other pain relievers may interfere with the animals oxygen flow and could severely harm their liver. Do not give any ‘human’ medication to your pet without consulting with your vet first. On the other hand veterinary pharmaceuticals should be given with caution as well. Just because they are prescribed to them, doesn’t mean they can’t overdose on them if given the wrong dosage. Always give medication of any kind under veterinary guidance.
Antifreeze: As many know, antifreeze gives off a sweet smell and taste. We as people of course know not to drink it, but our pets don’t and they may very well be tempted. Even a very small amount can be lethal for pets. Consumption can result in fatality for not only animals but humans as well.
Fertilizer: These contain harsh chemicals that are made to combat pest and weed problems. If your pet happens to eat some grass that has fertilizer on it, chances are he/she will probably be fine. The real problem is when it is ingested straight from the bag in its purest form. If this happens, it can result in tremors, seizures, and more.
Laundry Detergent: If detergent is ingested- this can cause gastrointestinal problems and lethargy in pets. The biggest concern is that the pet will begin to aspirate after the ingestion, which can result in aspiration pneumonititis (a type of lung infection) that can be very serious.
Plants: There are certain plants that are specifically poisonous to pets, while others are completely safe. Before purchasing a new house plant check to make sure they are pet-safe.
Rodenticides: These are specifically formulated to attract and exterminate small mammals. They may contain flavorings like fish, peanut butter, and more to attract the pest. However, these have a good chance of attracting your pet as well. Opt for baits that are considered ‘pet friendly’. These are created in a way that protects pets as they are resistant to tampering.
Insecticides: Just like with rodenticides, these are made with the purpose of extermination. If pesticides are necessary, there are a handful of safer options available.
Cleaning Products: Most cleaning products contain many harsh chemicals for removing dirt, grime, etc. With that being said- some of these products are of course harsher than others. It is just safer all around to keep all window cleaners, bleach, bathroom cleaners, etc. nice and tucked away.
Batteries: Because batteries are so acidic, if ingested they can cause mouth, throat, and stomach issues. When chewed or punctured alkaline batteries can leak a toxic substance that can potentially burn the inside of the mouth and throat. Not to mention- if swallowed whole they can cause blockages in the intestines.
Children’s toys: Any toy that isn’t specifically made for your pup, should not be given to your pup. Many children’s toys that have small bits and pieces can break off and potentially get lodged in the throat or intestines.
Dogs and pets in general tend to try to get into stuff every once in a while because they’re simply curious by nature. It is up to us to keep things secure and out of reach. This means locking up any potentially harmful substances that may be in our kitchens, bathrooms, etc. No one is perfect and accidents happen. Pets can be crafty little critters. If your pet ingests something that could possibly hurt them- contact your vet or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Center Hotline at 888-426-4435. Healthy pets are happy pets, and the more prepared we are the better!
Article is great, thanks for sharing.