Do Dogs Ever Enjoy Grooming? Yes, Meet Gracie Turner

Not many dogs actually enjoy getting professionally groomed, but this one does. Find out why – plus read our dog preparation tips for a better grooming experience.


We love grooming dogs. We enjoy working with all types, sizes and personalities, and we’ve seen shy or nervous dogs learn to tolerate – and then even like – the process (see our grooming preparation tips below). But we’ve never seen any dog quite like Gracie Turner, a beautiful Goldendoodle that actually loves to get professionally groomed.

Meet Gracie Turner, our reigning queen of dog grooming.
Meet Gracie Turner, our reigning queen of dog grooming.

How Much Does She Love It?

Gracie has been coming to the Good Dog Hotel for boarding and daycare since 2005. Every Thursday is her grooming day, and on those mornings, she bounds into the building, runs directly into the grooming room and jumps right up on the table – whether it’s her turn or not.

“She can’t wait to have her hair done,” says our General Manager Michelle Moser. “She is our reigning queen! We joke that she might even be a good influence on her sister, Gunner, who comes to daycare with her.”

Gracie is well-known for her fondness for grooming, and has our staff looking forward to her “beauty treatments” every week. We adore her, and genuinely enjoy making her look great. But we also know that for many dogs and owners, grooming appointments can bring with them a little anxiety. There are some simple steps dog owners can take in helping professional grooming appointments go well. Here are some of our top tips.

Prepare the paws. One of the most difficult tasks for groomers is to cut a dog’s nails if the dog is resistant to having their paws touched in the first place. The best scenario is to get your pooch used to the sensation early on, preferably when they’re a puppy. You don’t have to hold their paws for too long. Just start with brief touches, and then gradually increase the time and tolerance level as they age.

Start grooming early. Since puppies are more adaptable, it’s a good idea to get them used to the grooming experience early on. Some pet owners start as early as three months. This helps your dog get used to the grooming process (and being touched) from the get-go. And even better, their fur is less likely to get matted, so it’s a more pleasurable experience. Start with an introductory appointment, and then work with the groomer to determine an appropriate schedule as your dog grows.

Brush regularly. Just as us humans need to brush our hair every day, dogs need their fur brushed regularly so it won’t become knotty. Depending on fur length, you might need to brush daily or just a few days a week. This also helps keep their skin clean and healthy. We can help you determine frequency, as well as what type of brush works best for your dog’s fur.

Set a good example. Dogs are keenly aware of their owner’s demeanor. So, the calmer you are when you drop off your sweetie, the better for them. If you’re anxious, your dog will likely feel scared, on-guard or antsy.

Try to be specific. We love pictures! Always feel free to bring in pictures of special cuts or the length of nails that you prefer. Be as specific as you can before the appointment begins.

Keep an eye on the nails. Dogs who get out and walk or run on pavement regularly will naturally have shorter nails. Conversely, dogs who are indoors and on soft surfaces will have longer nails. If this is the case, you should have them checked once a month.

Do You Have Any Questions?

These are some of the more basic grooming preparation tips for your dog, but we bet you have some too. Have you discovered any tips or tricks to help make your trip to the groomer a better experience? We’d love to hear them – please leave your comments below.

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